
LOOK: Manila Police District prepares for second day of COC filing

Personnel from the Manila Police District on Friday started preparations for the second day of the filing of Certificates of Candidacy (COC) at the Commission on Elections (Comelec) headquarters in Intramuros, Manila.

Among the personalities expected to submit their respective COCs for the 2019 midterm elections are incumbent Senator Nancy Binay and former police chief and current Bureau of Corrections Chief, Director General Ronald dela Rosa.

The filing of COCs started on Thursday, and will be open until October 17, excluding weekends. /muf

Police from MPD are being briefed before the second day of filing of Certificates of Candidacy before the Commission on Elections. (Photo by Gabriel Pabico Lalu)

(Photo by Gabriel Pabico Lalu)

(Photo by Gabriel Pabico Lalu)