Suspend excise taxes and solons’ ‘pork,’ Mr. President

President Duterte’s economic managers say they are now suspending the second round of excise tax on fuel products.

This means that the additional P2 per liter excise tax on gasoline and diesel will no longer push through in January 2019.

However, the excise tax of P2.50 per liter on diesel and P7 per liter on gasoline imposed this year under the first tranche of the TRAIN Law will remain.

The people expect bolder actions from you, Mr. President. I think you should immediately fire your economic advisers.

Remember that these economic geniuses form part of the NFA Council which triggered our record-breaking “rice inflation.”

They refused to import rice as requested by NFA Administrator Jason Aquino until all NFA rice stocks were depleted. The inflation rate is nearing 7 percent and the people continue to suffer.

Mr. President, proceed with your “build, build, build” infra program but please declare an “authentic” austerity program.

Suspend next year the P51-billion pork barrel of congressmen under the 2019 national budget. Suspend also the “hidden” line item pet projects of all senators which I am sure are higher by billions of pesos.

And please conduct a very serious review of the formula for oil prices being used by the Department of Energy and the oil industry sector.

Yes, the government will lose P180 billion yearly by suspending excise taxes but remember, the people are suffering not only due to higher world oil prices but also because of your economic managers’ mishandling of the rice situation and “surging food prices.”

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The sibling rivalry between Makati Mayor Abby Binay and her brother, ex-Mayor Junjun Binay, and that of Sen. JV Ejercito and half-brother former Sen. Jinggoy Estrada has become a recurring happening in local politics.

Why are they fighting? Who are they fighting for? The people of Makati? The Filipino people?

Can their parents who are also politicians help patch things up? Is it a failure of parenting?

Let me give an example of vicious “sibling rivalry” happening elsewhere. In Arizona, US, incumbent Republican Rep. Paul Gosar is up for reelection in November.

But his three brothers and three sisters came out on television against him, saying: “We gotta stand up for our good name.”

They openly endorsed his opponent, Democrat David Brill. Will Gosar win? No one knows!

Former Vice President Jejomar Binay on Monday allowed Abby and Junjun to both run for mayor, saying it was up to Makati residents to choose between the two.

I wonder how Manila Mayor Joseph Estrada will solve this “family affair.”

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I received complaints from residents of Paluan, Mindoro Occidental, claiming that the “cheap electricity” from Solar para sa Bayan Corp. (SPBC) priced at P2.34/kwh was inaccurate.

Based on billing statements, some customers are being charged more than P15 per kilowatt-hour, contrary to its claims.

If this is true, Congress should use its oversight powers and check this company. From what I gathered, SPBC is seeking a super franchise to monopolize solar power and set its own rates.

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