Reconfiguring 75 SD cards delay canvassing of votes in Albay

LEGAZPI CITY, Philippines — Reconfiguring 75 defective SD cards have caused a delay in the canvassing of votes in Albay province.

Neil Canicula, acting provincial election supervisor, said the cards were from the precincts in Tabaco City, Legazpi City, Daraga, Guinobatan, Polangui, and Ligao City.

“The SD cards are still being reconfigured in the regional hub office. It takes time. There are protocols to be followed, and we are talking of so many reported malfunctions in our country,” he said.

Canicula said they are not sure if the winners will be proclaimed on Tuesday because of the big voting population in precincts were Vote Counting Machines (VCMs) malfunctioned.

READ: Albay voters doubt 2019 poll integrity due to malfunctioning VCMs

“We cannot tell how long. We should wait for the generation and printing of official canvass,” Canicula added.

In San Miguel Island in Tabaco City, the electoral board decided to transfer the ballots to the Bicol Univerity Tabaco Campus in the mainland for security.

“It will also be fast the moment the SD cards are available for transport,” he added.

The election officer, however, assured that the integrity of the ballots is protected.

“We have 100 percent trust in teachers who are members of the electoral board. They will not sacrifice their integrity and profession to do malicious act,” he said. (Editor: Eden Estopace)

READ: Comelec reports glitches in 1,000 SD cards on Election Day