95 baby hawksbill sea turtles released in Albay

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources releases about 95 newly-hatched hawksbill turtles in the coastal waters of Oas, Albay. (Photo: DENR-Bicol/Facebook)

MANILA, Philippines — About 95 newly-hatched hawksbill turtles were released Wednesday in the coastal waters of Oas town in Albay province, the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) in Bicol Region reported.

The DENR- Bicol Region said it partnered with the Community Environment and Natural Resources Office (CENRO) of Guinobatan town in conducting the activity as seen in the pictures posted on its official Facebook page.

It added the hawksbill turtles were released at 8 a.m in the town’s Sitio Imacoto in Cagmanaba, a part of the Ticao Burias Pass Protected Seascape and a marine protected area with rich marine biodiversity,  offering a suitable nesting habitat for the sea turtles.

Meanwhile, CENRO Officer Narisol Divina urged the public to be their “partners” in protecting the turtles in line with the office’s campaign to save marine life.

“The DENR needs the concern and support of the community and stakeholders on the protection of our marine biodiversity to scale up the Pawikan conservation program of the Department,” she said.