Duterte signs expansion of Sotto Law

MANILA, Philippines — President Rodrigo Duterte has signed into law the proposed amendments to the so-called Sotto Law, which would allow not only journalists in print media but also in broadcast and online media to refuse to reveal confidential sources.

Duterte signed Republic Act 11458 or the act expanding the coverage of exemptions from revealing the source of published news or information obtained in confidence by including journalists from broadcast, and news agencies. 

A copy of the new law was released by Malacañang on Wednesday.

According to the law, “any publisher, owner, or duly recognized o accredited journalist, columnist, manager, media practitioner involved in the writing, editing, production and dissemination of news for mass circulation of any print, broadcast, wire service organization, or electronic mass media, including cable TV and its variants” can only reveal the source of his/her information if “the court or the House of Representatives or the Senate or any committee of Congress finds that such revelation is demanded by the security of the State.” /kga