Davao Archbishop Valles urges Catholics to pray for Leni Robredo

CEBU CITY –– Davao Archbishop Romulo Valles, Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines president, is urging the faithful to pray for Vice President Leni Robredo on her new role as the country’s anti-illegal drugs “czar.”

He said the people should pray that Leni Robredo would be successful on her task “for the good of everyone.”

“I always presume the good intention of all people, and in this case, she is the head of the campaign (against illegal drugs). Now let us pray for her that she can bring in her skills and her vision. It is always moving up and moving up,” said Valles in an interview during his visit to Cebu on Wednesday.

Valles was among the resource speakers in the launching press conference for the 500th anniversary of the Philippines’ Christianization.

He was joined by Cebu church officials led by Cebu Archbishop Jose Palma.

Edited by LZB