Traffic violation charges have been filed against the guardian of an 11-year-old boy in the United Kingdom, after letting the child drive a car for a reason worthy of being “busted.”
The family member was apparently “fed up” with the boy for always playing the action-adventure video game “Grand Theft Auto” in PlayStation, which prompted the person to take the boy out for a “practice driving” lesson. Authorities caught the unnamed child and his adult companion at a car park in Blackpool, as seen on the Lancs Road Police’s official Twitter page yesterday, March 2.
“The driver of this car was 11 years old… (yes, eleven!),” the police said.
The authorities posted a photo of the red car used by the boy, side by side with a screen capture of the video game with the words “busted” in bright blue. In the game, the character is “busted” every time he commits a crime and is caught by the police.
The driver of this car was 11 years old… (yes, eleven!) A family member was fed up with the child playing Grand Theft Auto all day on the Playstation, so brought him out to practice driving on a car park Blackpool… The adult has been reported for traffic offences.
— Lancs Road Police (@LancsRoadPolice)
In the U.K., teenagers aged 15 years old and nine months may already apply for a provisional driving license, the Manchester Evening cited yesterday. Citizens could also start driving by the age of 17. JB
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