With few tourists in Paris to share their photos of the City of Light during the lockdown, Paris’s tourist office is inviting Parisians to snap photos from their windows and share them on Instagram.
Same goes for the Eiffel Tower. Those who live with a view of the Iron Lady are invited to snap a photo from their window and share their view with fellow francophiles and Parisians on Twitter using the hashtag #MaTourEiffel.
Parisiennes, Parisiens !
Je suis toujours là pour vous tenir compagnie ! Prenez-moi en photo si vous m'apercevez depuis votre fenêtre ou votre balcon, et partagez-la avec le hashtag . Je me ferai un plaisir de RT vos plus beaux clichés !😉
— La tour Eiffel (@LaTourEiffel)
As one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world, Instagram’s travel feed is normally saturated with images of the city and its most iconic landmarks.
But the coronavirus has put the city on lockdown since Tuesday, turning the French capital into a ghost town.
In a message aimed at reminding followers in Paris to stay home, the tourism office has launched a hashtag #ParisFromMyWindow for photos of the city from their home and apartment windows. JB