CIM to tackle medical education in confab

THE Cebu Institute of Medicine (CIM) will host the 45th national convention of the Association of Philippine Medical Colleges on Feb. 9-11 with the theme  “Professionalism in Medical Education.”

The activity will start with a Mass at the CIM Social Hall at 9 a.m. of Feb. 9, followed by the opening ceremonies with Dr. Cawilihan T. Zubiri as keynote speaker.

A panel discussion by Dr. Raymond Sulay, a teacher;  Dr. Felix Vicuna, an administrator; Dr. Hester Gail Lim, a student; and Dr. Liberty Tablante, a clinician on the role of current medical education programs in teaching professionalism and how medical education programs contribute to professionalism, will be the main topic after lunch. There will be a welcome dinner at 6 p.m. at the Casino Español de Cebu.

Morning session of  Day 2  will have for its theme “Professionalism: Teaching innovations in medical education.” This includes topics like “How to Teach: Challenges in teaching professionalism” by Dr. Armand Crisostomo, “How to Teach: Challenges in teaching professionalism, tools and strategies for modeling and reinforcing professionalism” by Dr. Melflor Atienza, “Should our cultural values affect our commitment to medical professionalism?” by Prof. Hope Sabanpan-Yu and “Regional Cultural Experiences,” which will discuss peculiarities in the different regions that could pose problems.

The afternoon session’s theme will be “Inter-professional education and improving collaborative practice.” Topics include “Leadership” by Dr.Tomas Fernandez,  “Professional Medical Speakers: Conflicts of interest?” by Dr. Camilo Roa, “How should professionalism be assessed in the undergraduate and postgraduate medical education?” by Dr. Erlyn A. Sana and “Assessment of physician’s competence in professionalism” by Dr. Josefina Almonte.

On Feb. 10 is a workshop for the medical students titled “One last challenge: Transforming students and residents in their commitment to excellence and on-going professional development.” Capping the day’s activities will be heritage tour of Cebu City (Gabi-i sa Kabilin), followed by a dinner at Fort San Pedro.

Day 3 of the convention will start with a plenary session on “A patient’s perspective of professionalism in medicine” by Evelyn Luab, followed by “APMC declaration of medical professionalism” by CIM dean Dr. Thelma Fernandez and the closing ceremonies and lunch.