Govt vows to promote media rights as PH marks World Press Freedom Day

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine government has vowed to continue to promote the rights and liberty of media on Sunday, World Press Freedom Day.

Palace Communications Secretary Martin Andanar said a free press has allowed the continued delivery of news reports to all Filipinos as the country battles the coronavirus pandemic.

“It has also helped voice out the public’s pulse and serve as an avenue for the government to increase public awareness of its policies and report its activities with complete transparency,” he said in a statement.

He called on the media to work together with the government to eradicate biased information, misinformation, disinformation that continue to damage the trust and relation between and government and the people.

“With these in mind, we pray for the safety of everyone, especially the journalists and media workers currently reporting from the frontlines despite the pandemic. We salute your heroism, bravery, and your service,” he said.

The Free Legal Assistance Group (FLAG), also joined journalists and media workers in celebration of World Press Freedom Day.

The existence of a free and responsible press is absolutely essential for a truly transparent, accountable, and democratic government.

“A free press is not an optional extra but an integral part of the liberty to enjoy all other freedoms,” the FLAG said in a statement.

Freedom of the press, however, is “continually threatened by existing laws that criminalize content, such as laws on libel, cyber libel, sedition and inciting to sedition.

“It is a protection that becomes illusory when the press is viewed as prey rather than partners,” it said.