PhilHealth: UHC law seen to be implemented by mid-2021

MANILA, Philippines — Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) is eyeing to fully implement the Universal Health Care (UHC) Law by mid-2021, its chief Ricardo Morales said Friday.

“Mid-2021, assuming nothing else comes in,” Morales said in an interview over ANC when asked when PhilHealth sees the UHC law to be implemented.

“That’s going to be a critical period for us,” he added.

Morales earlier sought for the delay of the program’s rollout citing ʳ󾱱𲹱ٳ’s declining revenue amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

He added that the state health insurer’s financial position by next year will be “very grim” due to the reduced payment capacity of its contributors.

The President signed the UHC bill into law in February last year. But Morales previously said the full implementation of the landmark law may take up to three years due to funding and capability issues.

But Morales’ proposal was met with fierce opposition from some, including Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque, one of the law’s co-authors, who said it is вԱɴڳܱ” to defer UHC’s implementation.

Health Secretary Francisco Duque III also noted it is “critical” to fast track the UHC Law implementation as the COVID-19 pandemic demanded a lot from the country’s healthcare system.

For Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon, it is a step towards the “wrong direction” to defer the UHC’s Law implementation as the country grapples to address COVID-19.