Binay: Train police on arrest procedures amid pandemic

Police personnel should be trained on conducting arrests and handling people amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Sen. Nancy Binay said, as she questioned the police’s “overzealous” acts and violation of health protocols.

“For some reason, the police have become overzealous in enforcing public health directions to the point that they put to risk the health of people, and violated basic rights,” Binay said in a statement, citing the recent arrests of jeepney drivers and members of LGBTQ groups who were holding protest rallies, and the attempted arrest of a radio reporter who was taking a video of the traffic situation.

“The [police] must take steps in dealing with low-level offenses in its public health response. Do not overreact and arrest people not wearing masks, taking videos, or expressing their sentiments. People are disproportionately punished while some violators are absolved,” she said. —Leila B. Salaverria