Over 333K overseas Filipinos repatriated amid COVID-19 pandemic

Delfin Lorenzana

National Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO / RICHARD A. REYES

MANILA, Philippines — A total of 333,697 overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) have so far been repatriated amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, National Task Force (NTF) Against COVID-19 chair Secretary Delfin Lorenzana said Monday night.

Lorenzana made the report to President Rodrigo Duterte during a meeting in Malacañang.

Filipino migrant workers have been returning to the Philippines since mid-March after coronavirus infections worldwide rapidly rose, forcing governments to impose strict movement restrictions that severely affected business operations.

Lorenzana also said that the NTF is closely monitoring areas with reported increase in infections such as Iloilo City, Tacloban, Lanao del Sur, Iligan, Davao City, and Davao province.

On Monday, the Philippines recorded an additional 1,773 COVID-19 cases, bringing the nationwide tally to 431,630. Although majority of the cases or 398,658 are recoveries, 8,392 people have so far died of the respiratory disease.