Seminarians love Mother Earth

IT’s that time of the year when love is in the air again.

Sophomore seminarians from San Carlos Seminary College initiated a unique way of celebrating Valentine’s Day with Mother Earth.

Engr. Ivy Tariman, seminary professor, said the activity is unique because its subject of affection is Mother Earth, which like any human mother, continues to serve and love despite being neglected.

During the celebration, the earth science students will hang their prayers, wishes and love notes to Mother Earth in a Valentine tree.

Like St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint of animals and ecology, seminarians saw nature as a teaching tool that helped them learn about God.

Reymark Gura, one of the sophomore seminarians, mentioned in his poem “Mother Earth” the beautiful things and the negative things about the earth.

Here are some parts of the poem.

“…Where are the birds and the songs they sing?

Why are rivers dead or dirty and no longer clean?

Why do flooding and landslides now become common?

What have we done to this world of our?”

With this activity, organizers aim to bring to everyone’s attention the way people neglected the planet and to enjoin everyone to be more circumspect in their actions. /Seminarian Marcelino Rapayla Jr.