Group to tackle economic dimensions of peace building

THE Promotion of Church People’s Response-Cebu Chapter will hold a forum on “Pilgrims of Peace: Socio-Economic Dimensions of Peace-building” on June 18 from 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Asilo de la Milagrosa of St. Vincent de Paul in Cebu City.

The forum will study the church people’s role as peace builders. The main speaker will be Fr. Paul Medina, O. Carm, national convenor of the National Clergy Discernment Group.

This forum is part of the efforts for peace in the country.

Last Feb. 15-21, the peace talks between the Philippine government and and the National Democratic Front Philippines was resumed, and a second round of talks is set this month but may not take place due to the non-release of political prisoners who are NDFP peace consultants.

Church people and concerned citizens are invited to participate. Registration is free.

For inquiries, e-mail to or contact Rev. Jessie at (0917) 649-7714.