House unanimously approves bill instituting UP-DND Accord

House unanimously approves bill instituting UP-DND Accord


MANILA, Philippines — The House of Representatives has unanimously approved the measure institutionalizing the agreement between the Department of National Defense (DND) and the University of the Philippines (UP) which bars any military and police presence inside its campuses without prior notice.

During Tuesday’s session, the lower chamber finally approved House Bill No. 10171 that aims to include the 1989 UP-DND Accord to the UP Charter.

The measure was approved with 179 affirmative votes – without negative votes and abstention.

Under the agreement, members of the Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), and other law enforcement agencies shall be prohibited from entering the premises of any UP campus or regional units, except in cases of hot pursuit and similar occasions or emergencies.

The PNP, AFP, and other law enforcement agencies intending to conduct operations in any UP campus shall also notify the campus president, the chancellor, or the dean prior to entering the campus.

Any law enforcement agencies are also forbidden from interfering with peaceful protest actions by individuals and groups within UP campus premises.

In January this year, the DND unilaterally terminated the accord with UP, saying the agreement had been a hindrance to operations against communist rebels, especially the alleged recruitment of cadres in UP campuses.