Japan opens academic program for Filipinos seeking master’s degree

The Embassy of Japan on Thursday announced the opening of its year-long academic program for Filipinos.

REUTERS/Kim Kyung-Hoon

MANILA, Philippines — The Embassy of Japan on Thursday announced the opening of its year-long academic program for Filipinos.

The 2022 Young Leaders’ Program is a one-year-long academic program launched by the Government of Japan. It is also one of the Japanese Government’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) scholarship programs.

It will offer accepted applicants a full scholarship from the Japanese government to earn a Master’s Degree from a Japanese university, covering the following fields: Business Administration, Law, School of Government, and School of Local Governance.

According to the MEXT, the YLP aims to cultivate future national leaders in Asia and other countries, to establish friendly relationships among various countries and improve policy planning activities by forming a network among national leaders.

To qualify, applicants must be Filipino citizens, have a bachelor’s degree holder with excellent academic records, be “highly” proficient in English, under 40 years old and have at least three to five years of work experience.

The program will start around September to October 2022.

All YLP applications must be coursed through the specific recommending authorities for each course. The deadline of application submissions will depend on each recommending authority.

The full list of the recommending authorities can be found here: