PNP renames crime lab to PNP Forensic Group

Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Dionardo Carlos

Philippine National Police (PNP) chief Gen. Dionardo Carlos (Bibo Nueva España/Senate PRIB)

MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine National Police has renamed the PNP Crime Laboratory to PNP Forensic Group. Gen. Dionardo Carlos, chief of the PNP, said on Monday the renaming was “intended to identify and align its nomenclature with that of Asian countries, which adopt the term ‘forensic’ for its units providing forensic services.”

The PNP Crime Laboratory belongs to the Asian Forensic Science Network set up in 2008 to provide a venue for exchanges among Asian forensic scientists to advance forensic science.

“The name Forensic Group is consistent with and descriptive of its functions in the field of forensic. Without you and forensic science, the nation’s biggest and sensational crime cases will go unpunished while the worst murderers, rapists, drug addicts and terrorists will continue to walk free,” Carlos said.