
Tesda specialistas trained on entrepreneurship skills

TWENTY-six specialists of the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (Tesda) Specialistas in Negros Oriental were trained on marketing and industrious, systematic, time conscious, innovative value for work (ISTIV) Bayanihan recently in Dumaguete City.

Tesda information officer Geraldine delos Reyes said Tesda, in coordination with the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board (RTWPB) of Cebu City, conducted the training to equip the participants with entrepreneurship skills, such as the principles of market research, how to prepare a marketing plan and how to set selling prices of their products or services.

In one of the sessions, RTWPB Chief lawyer Glenn Tabon discussed marketing research to complement the entrepreneurship training.

Delos Reyes said the trainings were part of the nurturing activities of Tesda for its specialistas under the Tesda Specialista Technopreneurship Program (TSTP).

The system aims to provide alternative job opportunities and contribute to the creation of livelihood enterprises to Tesda-certified graduates.