DOT, TIEZA, FDCP teaming up for film heritage facility project

DOT, TIEZA, FDCP teaming up for film heritage facility project


MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Tourism (DOT), Tourism Infrastructure and Enterprise Zone Authority (TIEZA), and the Film Development Council of the Philippines (FDCP) have signed a memorandum of agreement on Tuesday for the establishment of the Film Heritage Building in Intramuros, Manila.

The Film Heritage Building will house historical memorabilia, as well as a library of Philippine films, and will also have preservation and restoration facilities.

“I join the FDCP and the TIEZA in joyful celebration and thanksgiving that a project that honors the film heritage of the Philippines will finally be able to break ground figuratively and literally soon,” DOT secretary Christina Frasco said.

Frasco, TIEZA chief operating officer Mark Lapid and FDCP chairperson and chief operating officer Tirso Cruz III signed the MOA.

“This agreement not only signifies our collective commitment to preserving our cinematic legacy, but also amplifies the allure of Intramuros as a prime tourist destination in Manila. It enhances the experience of what this iconic site can offer, making our history and culture even more accessible and engaging,” Lapid said.

Meanwhile, Cruz said that the Film Heritage Building will serve as a legacy and a setting for future generations to give them a sense of “pride for cultural and national identity.”

“What we are all embarking on as we build the Film Heritage Museum is an aim to plant the seed of culture and history that will blossom and bear fruits for us, not just for our nation, but as the lasting legacy of future generations to come; one that will give all of us a deep sense of pride for cultural and national identity,” Cruz said.


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