Estranged wife shoots soldier due to dispute over conjugal assets

ALAMADA, Cotabato — A dispute over conjugal assets had triggered the shooting of a soldier by his estranged wife in Alamada town, Cotabato province, a police investigation showed.

Edna Miranda Oandasan is now detained at the Alamada municipal police station and is facing a complaint for parricide after shooting her husband, Sgt. John Harvey Oandasan, 36, on Sunday night, at their conjugal home in Barangay Guiling.

According to Major Bernard Abarquez, Alamada police chief, the couple had been estranged “for quite sometime” and that the soldier is already living with a partner, leaving only his wife in the conjugal home.

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While off-duty last Sunday, Oandasan went to Guiling to press his wife about dividing their conjugal properties among themselves, Abarquez said.

But this triggered a heated argument that ended with Edna shooting her husband, who was hit in the leg, using his own 9mm pistol.

Police recovered from Edna’s possession Oandasan’s gun.