JV Ejercito chides ‘ayuda mentality’: It’s time for an exit plan

JV Ejercito chides 'ayuda mentality': It's time for an exit plan

FILE PHOTO: Senate Deputy Majority Leader JV Ejercito is pushing for an “exit mechanism” on the distribution of financial aid and the creation of “sustainable” social programs to avoid the growing “ayuda mentality” among Filipinos. (Voltaire F. Domingo/Senate Social Media Unit)

MANILA, Philippines — Senate Deputy Majority Leader JV Ejercito is pushing for an “exit mechanism” on the distribution of financial aid and the creation of “sustainable” social programs to avoid the growing “ayuda mentality” among Filipinos.

During the Kapihan sa Senado forum, the legislator pointed out that the country’s budget for social programs is getting bigger each year.

“I don’t mind if it really reaches our poorest of the poor, kaya lang sana magkaroon talaga ng programa (I just wish there was a program) that would lead to something more sustainable,” said Ejercito.

Ejercito likewise emphasized that financial aid or subsidies are supposed to be “temporary measures.”

“Understandable during pandemic talagang tataas siya, tapos dapat noong wala na ang pandemya at wala na tayo sa emergency situation, dapat bumaba na. Hindi na ito crisis eh, pero kung titignan niyo ang budget mas lalo pa siyang tumaas for 2024 and 2025,” he noted.

(It’s understandable that during the pandemic it will really increase, but when the pandemic is over and we are no longer in an emergency situation, it should go down. This is no longer a crisis, but if you look at the budget, it increases even more for 2024 and 2025.)

Ejercito further lamented that even if the country has been subsidizing for years, problems were not entirely solved and seemed to be just “swept under the rug.”

This prompted him to urge the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD)  as well as the Department of Labor and Employment  (DOLE) to review his proposal for the government’s aid distribution to finally have an “exit mechanism.”

“Dapat gawan ng paraan po ito ng mechanism [o] ng safeguard ng DSWD [at] ng DOLE to make sure that these really goes to the rightful beneficiaries, yung talagang poorest of the poor. Kaya ni-raise ko rin na sana magkaroon ng exit mechanism, hanggang saan ba ito? Parang nadedevelop na ang ayuda mentality. Dapat ga-graduate into something na employment,” the senator said.

(There should be a mechanism [or] the safeguard of the DSWD [and] the DOLE to make sure that these really go to the rightful beneficiaries, the poorest of the poor. So I also raised that there should be an exit mechanism, how far is it? The ayuda mentality seems to be developing. This must graduate into something such as employment.)

READ: Ayuda’ should be distributed in public for transparency — Alan Cayetano

Citing an example, Ejercito said Tulong Panghanapbuhay sa Ating Disadvantaged/Displaced Workers Program (TUPAD) should include training and skills development to ensure that Filipinos will be ready and eligible for employment.

He added that Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation, otherwise known as AICS, should likewise have an “end game.”

Ejercito aired his concerns about the government’s continued giving of aid after exposing the alleged corruption in San Juan City’s social aid programs.

In a privilege speech, Ejercito talked about a supposed “ayuda scam” through TUPAD and other social assistance initiatives.