DOE urges Filipinos to join Earth Hour on March 23

MANILA, Philippines — The Department of Energy (DOE) has urged Filipinos to join the rest of the world in observing the earth hour this coming Saturday, March 23.

In a statement on Thursday, Energy Secretary Raphael P.M. Lotilla encouraged the public to switch off their non-essential lights from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m., which he said is “a small yet meaningful action to protect the environment and combat climate change.”


“Every year during the same period, we are reminded of an hour of collective action to make a difference for Mother Earth. The underlying mission of this act and the call for cooperation from all of us will certainly bring a difference, no matter how small. Let us, therefore, demonstrate how purposeful behavior could achieve something great and worthy,” Lotilla said.

He also highlighted the importance of conserving energy by turning off lights and unplugging electronic devices when not in use, as well as carpooling which can collectively make a substantial difference in the country’s energy consumption and carbon footprint.

“With energy efficiency and conservation practices, we can do more with less by using technology and adopting behaviors that reduce the energy required to accomplish a task or provide service,” Lotilla said.

“Whether upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, improving insulation in our homes, or optimizing industrial processes, every small step towards energy efficiency contributes to significant savings and environmental benefits,” he stressed.

This year’s Earth Hour theme is “Switch Off Plastic Pollution, Give an Hour for Earth.”

The Manila City government will host the event by switching off non-essential lights in iconic landmarks within the city, including the city clock tower and Rizal Monument. — Ana Mae Malate, intern