DOH advises public against attending festivals when sick

DOH advises public against attending festivals when sick

(DOH-CAR advisory)

BAGUIO CITY, Philippines — The Department of Health-Cordillera Administrative Region (DOH-CAR) on Tuesday advised the public to avoid attending gatherings and festivals when not feeling well for their protection and to avoid transmitting infection.

Jenee Austria, chief of the Communications Management Unit (CMU) of DOH-CAR, said the agency has released an advisory through their social media page to encourage the public to take extra precautions.

“As part of the preparations for festival season in the Cordilleras, the region anticipates increased public mobility and mass gatherings following the influx of tourists and visitors. Along with these comes a greater chance for the possible spread of infectious diseases,” the advisory said.

“The Department of Health – Cordillera strongly urges everyone to practice the health reminders to partake of the festivities safely and healthily,” it noted.

Austria said cleanliness, especially on a personal level in food preparations, is a major factor in preventing the spread of disease.

She said individuals should be mindful when surrounded by children, pregnant women, senior citizens, and other immunocompromised individuals.

“Go to the nearest healthcare provider for further care when necessary,” she added.

Last week, DOH-CAR reported about two confirmed cases of mpox (formerly monkeypox) in Baguio City, the firsts in the region.

Also, it said cases of hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMB) surged to 61 as of Jan. 18, 202,5 from six cases a year ago.

“Medical facilities are advised to adopt strict infection prevention and control protocols like proper sanitation and disinfection practices for shared spaces and objects,” Austria said.

She added they have been procuring and distributing personal protective equipment (PPE), sanitizing agents, and necessary medications as part of preparedness efforts.

Isolation facilities are also ordered to be made ready and available, she added.