Man gunned down in Danao

A 43-YEAR-OLD man was shot dead by a motorcycle-riding assailant in barangay Tuburan Sur, Danao City, northern Cebu.

Jose Ricky Garcia died with a gunshot wound in the chest.

The attack happened while the man was walking home past 3 a.m. yesterday.

About a kilometer from his house, Garcia stopped to pee when a man on a motorcycle arrived and shot the victim, said police.

Garcia was able to run about 30 meters from where he was shot before he slumped on the ground.

Police said the area was dark and no witnesses came forward to shed light on the incident.

Illegal drugs connections are being looked into as possible motive in the killing, said PO2 Phil Restauro of the Danao police./REPORTER RHEA RUTH V. ROSELL