Two great events for Cebu

In a span of 47 years, Cebu City plays host to two great events – the fourth centennial of the Christianization of the Philippines in 1965 ( I forgot what month) and the Thanksgiving Mass celebrating the sainthood of Pedro Calungsod on Nov. 30, 2012. It’s interesting that both events take place in reclamation sites. In  1965, the Masses celebrating the fourth centennial of Christianization in the Philippines were held in the North Reclamation Area  where the old White Gold House used to stand.  St. Calungsod’s Thanksgiving Mass on November 30 will be held in a vacant lot owned by the Cebu city government in the  South Road Properties.

I remember how the North Reclamation Area was then just developed. There were  no structures there unlike the SRP, where a templete with a pyramid structure stands out.  I also remember the well coordinated efforts of the Catholic Church under the leadership of Cardinal Julio Rosales and the city government under Serging Osmeña in the preparations, the actual celebration, and the clean up after the event.

Both leaders were in their element.  In 1965, the Templete was the center of the weeklong activities to accommodate all sectors. The ground  was not fully paved. It was also muddy because of the rains. Everyday was a special activity which involved students of  Catholic schools both  in school or in the Templete. Everyone walked to the Templete from the Colegio de la Inmaculada Concecpion. Since I was staying in Guadalupe then, I had to walk from Fuente Osmeña to the Reclamation area and back to Fuente for a ride home. It was not a joke to walk in heels wearing our white gala uniforms. Sometimes  we took off our heeled shoes and walked barefoot. But no one  complained. Even with the ongoing activities, we still had regular classes. I was in second year college at STC then.   We were oriented with all activities of the celebration. We were taught how to greet visiting bishops and archbishops. For  Children’s Day, we catechists brought our pupils from the public schools to the Templete and back to their schools riding six-by-six  Army trucks.  For the culminating activity, the STC Glee Club (where I was an alto member) joined other college choirs for the mass singing but we were drowned by the powerful voices of the seminarians. There was order at the Reclamation area because we knew where to find our designated places and where to make an easy exit. The most memorable (and unexpected) add-on to the event was that for the whole week, a helicopter would fly above the campus and drop hundreds of Babe Ruth chocolate bars (which were  rare at that time).  I was able to collect three big boxes of Babe Ruths. For two months Babe Ruth was my daily snack.

Spiritually, the 1965 event was a time to reflect the 400 years of Christianity in the country. It was also a timely occasion to discuss the fruits of the Second Vatican Council. It foreshadowed the role of Cebu City as host to international events, religious or otherwise. I never saw such coordination between the church and the government. Every man on the street knew what was going on.

The Reclamation area was  the site of a very meaningful event in our history, hence, it should be kept clean, decent, and humane. There was never talk of how much was needed to build the Templete and develop the vicinity. It was built quietly and ready for use on the targeted day. Neither were there contributions, fundraising or second collections at mass to mount  the celebration.

With the Templete at the SRP for the Calungsod Thanksgiving Mass on November 30, hopefully this  will signal progress and a good climate for development of Cebu  city and province.  The Thanksgiving Mass is another opportunity to nurture our spiritual life in the midst of  rapid developments in the SRP and the city as a whole.

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Today is the feast of St. Catherine of Alexandria of Carcar City. I wish all Carcaranons a happy fiesta and that they will not forget to ask for St. Catherine’s  intercession in the spiritual growth of the city and its constituents.

Reign of God