Teen accidentally killed over boyfriend’s unpaid P5,000 loan

MANILA, Philippines — A case of shooting the wrong target over an unpaid P5,000 loan resulted in the death of a teen early Tuesday and one of the two suspects in the shooting have since been arrested, police said.

The intended target was Richard Magsalang, boyfriend of the victim, Marjorie Carvajal, 19, who was shot and killed by motorcycle-riding men on Hermosa Street in Tondo, Manila around 2:50 a.m.

The arrested suspect was identified as Anjo Pareja who was caught in the ensuing follow-up operations by police, said Chief Inspector Wilson delos Santos, Jose Abad Santos police station 7 deputy station commander.

Delos Santos said Magsalang owed Pareja’s accomplice, Ogie Diaz, aka Ogie Negro P5,000.

No other details are available as of posting time although a manhunt for Diaz is ongoing.