
Councilman shot dead in Consolacion

A BARANGAY councilman was killed while a tanod was wounded in a shooting incident in barangay Polog, Consolacion town, northern Cebu last Thursday afternoon.

Rey Balaba, who was a former barangay captain of Polog, succumbed to a gunshot wound in the abdomen.

Henry Capao survived the attack but was wounded in the abdomen, police said.

Police said the two and their neighbor, Henry Padayugdug, were talking by the roadside last Thursday afternoon.

Two men on a motorcycle arrived and started firing.

Padayugdug escaped unhurt after he was able to hide under a parked multicab when bursts of gunfire broke out.

Balaba was taken to the North General Hospital where he was declared dead.

Police said an investigation is ongoing to determine the motive of the attack./CORRESPONDENT CHRISTINE M. ESTRELLA