No talk yet of LP-NP alliance for 2016 polls–Drilon

Senate President Franklin Drilon. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO

MANILA, Philippines – Contrary to reports, the LiberalParty(LP) and the Nacionalista Party havenot officially discussedanypossible alliance in 2016, Senate President Franklin Drilon said Tuesday.

But Drilon, vice chairman of LP,didnot discountthepossibilitythatthere were discussionsamongrepresentatives of bothparties.

“Siguro may ilang mga ibang kinatawan ng LP at NP na on a personal basis pinag-uusapan, (Maybe there are some representative of LP and NP who are discussing about it on a personal basis),” he said when asked in a radio interview about the reported possiblecoalitionof theparties in 2016.

“Kaya I don’t discount the possibility na there arediscussions on a personal basis pero (but)on official basis, wala pa pong pinag uusapan (thereare no discussions yet),” Drilon added.

Cayetano, who belongs toNP,has declared hisintention to run for president whileLPhas been reportedly eyeing Local Government Secretary Manuel “Mar” Roxasto be its standard-bearer.

The two parties, alongwith other political groups, have been part of a coalition since the 2013senatorialpolls.


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