NBI urged to focus on solving crime instead of DAP

Pia Cayetano

Senator Pia Cayetano. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO

MANILA, Philippines – Senator PiaCayetanohas urged the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) to use its time solving the crimes in the country instead of investigating thecontroversial Disbursement Acceleration (DAP).

After all,Cayetanosaid the books of all senators wereopen to the public.

“Mgakababayan,hindikailanganng NBI para magimbestiga.Napakasimplenamannito,kahitsinongmarunongmagbasaat mag open ng internet,makikitanamannilanayungmgarequestnaminfor allocation, based dunsabinibigaysaaminnaallotment,sinasabmitnaminsaDBM (Deparmentof Budget and Management),” she told reporters Tuesday.

(There is no need for the NBI to investigate. This is very simple, anyone who knows how to read and open the internet can see our request for allocations based on the allotments that were given to us that we submit to the DBM)

“SohuwagnanatinabalahinangNBI,maramitayongunsolved crimes. Yunnalanghoanggawinnila. I for one, and I’m certain the books of all the senators are opennamanhoangamingbooks, kungsaannamingnilagayetongmgaallotments,”she said.

(So let’s not bother theNBI, we have many unsolvedcrimes. They should focus on that. I, for one, and I’m certain the books of all senators areopen, where we putall our allotments)

Cayetanowas reacting to Justice Secretary Leila De Lima’s order to the NBI to look into reports that some senators had coursed their DAP funding to bogus non-government organizations allegedly ownedby detained businesswoman Janet Lim-Napoles.

Also responding toMalacanang’scall for senators to account their DAP funds,Cayetanomade public the list of projects worth P50 million funded in 2013 under the DAP.

But she insisted that she was not aware about the DAP until it was identified byMalacanang.

Cayetanosaid all thewhile she thought the funds were her amendments to the 2013 budget requested by then the chairman of the committee on finance and now Senate President FranklinDrilon.

She was referring toDrilon’s“private and confidential” letter dated Aug. 13, 2012 asking her “to submit toDirGen. YolandaDoblonon or before August 31, 2012 P50 million worth of infrastructure projects, which you wish to be funded in 2012.” Her office later furnished the media a copy of the letter.

“So neverkopangnarinigyungtermnaDAP.Bastaangnatanggapkoaysulatnanakalagayay amendments,”Cayetanosaid.

(So I never heard the term DAP. What I received was a letter which contained the amendments)

Nevertheless, the senator said that the funds went to her 14 projects, most of them have been completed except for four or five that have yet to be finished.

“So I go back to the questionmeronbakamingginawangmali? Well, I can only speak for myself.Ditohonapuntasapet projects. It did not go to anyone personal,walapong NGO. They are all government agencies,” she said.

(So I go back to the question, did we do something wrong? Well, I can only speak for myself. [My funds] went to my pet projects. It did not go to anyone personal, there was no NGO. They are all government agencies)

“The manner of which I allocated or chose of these projects was in line with our current practices and acceptable procedures. [Remember that] we have legal principles that say that the act of government officials have the presumption of regulatory and there is also a presumption of validity of every law,” the senator said.


Ombudsman launches probe of budget realignments, disbursements via DAP