Cebu journalists elect new officers

THE  Cebu Federation of Beat Journalists (CFBJ), an  umbrella organization of news reporters, photographers and cameramen, elected a new set of officers on Sunday.

Elias Baquero,  senior reporter of Sun.Star Cebu, was reelected president, his sixth straight year.

The officers  will take their oaths in tomorrow’s general assembly at Cafe Laguna and serve until September next year.

Baquero, in an interview, said he intends to live up to CFBJ’s aim to promote the general welfare of Cebu journalists.

Also elected officers were Oscar Pineda, vice president; Liv Campo, secretary; Joseph Tubilan, treasurer; Flor Perolina, auditor; and directors Chito Aragon, Gabby Malagar, Gregg Rubio, Irene Sino-Cruz, Ryan Borinaga, Norman Mendoza, Alex Badayos and Rene Borromeo.

Considered the biggest media organization in the country’s south, the CFBJ has stood up to various attacks on press freedom.

The federation has 11 beat organizations namely the court reporters’ Media Alliance for the Law, Liberty, Equality and Truth (Mallet); Capitol Association of Reporters in Tri-media (Cart); City Hall Asociation of Reporters in Media (Charm); Regional Journalists in Cebu (Rejoice) and Association of Reporters in Mandaue and Lapu-Lapu City In Truth and Excellence (Armalite).

The others are Media in Cebu South (Mis); Defense and Police Press Corp (DEPP); Entertainment Group (E-Group); Cebu Economic Journalists Association (CEJA); Sports Correspondents (Score); and Lens for  photojournalists. /Ador Vincent S. Mayol, Reporter