Emergency contact numbers to remember
Here are the emergency contact information to remember ahead of the typhoon. Write these down or print them out to ensure that you have a copy in case cell sites go down or there is a power outage.
Social Media
For aid and relief efforts — #ReliefPH
For those in need of rescue — #RescuePH
For resolved #RescuePH tweets — #SafeNow
To report floods — #FloodPH
To report missing people — #TracingPH
To report no classes — #WalangPasok
Government agencies landlines
NDRRMC Trunkline 911-5061 to 65,
NDRRMC Operation Center 911-1406 / 912-2665 / 912-5668 / 911-1873
PNP hotline: 117 / 722-0650
PNP Text hotline: 0917-847-5757
Fire Department Direct Line: 426-0219 / 426-3812 /426-0246
DOTC Central Hotline: 7890
MMDA hotline: 136
DPWH hotline: 165-02 / 304-3000
Phil Red Cross hotline: 143 / 527-0000
Philippine Coast Guard hotline: 527-3877 / 0917-724-3682 / 0918-967-4697
DSWD hotline: 931-81-01 / 0918-912-2813
Office of the Civil Defense regional offices directory
National Capital Region: (02) 913-2786
Region I: (072) 607-6528 / 700-4747
Region II: (078) 844-1630
Region III: (045) 455-1526
Region IV-A: (049) 834-4244 / 531-7279
Region IV-B: (043) 723-4248
Region V: (052) 481-1656
Region VI: (033) 337-6671 / 509-7971;
Region VII: (032) 416-5025 / 416-5025
Region VIII: (053) 323-8453
Region IX: (062) 215-3984
Region X: (088) 857-3988 / 875-3907
Region XI: (082) 233-2022 / 233-0611
Region XII: (083) 552-9759 / 553-2994
Cordillera Administrative Region: (074) 304-2256
CARAGA: (085) 815-6345
See the full list of emergency contact numbers here: