NGCP: Cagayan power transmission line fixed after ‘Dodong’

THE northern Luzon power transmission line hit by Typhoon Dodong is back to normal operations, according to the National Grid Corp. of the Philippines (NGCP).

Power grid operator NGCP said the system returned to normal when the affected Magapit – Sta. Ana 69-kV Line was energized at 11:06 a.m. on Monday (May 11).

This restores power transmission services to parts of the electricity cooperative CAGELCO II, namely, Sta. Teresita, Gonzaga, Sta. Ana and Buguey, Cagayan.

Spokesperson Cynthia Alabanza earlier said in a text message that one transmission line had been affected by the typhoon: the Magapit – Sta. Ana 69-kV Line.

NGCP has said in an advisory that the line tripped on May 10 at 5:40 p.m.

No additional lines have been hit so far since then, NGCP said.

The privately owned system operator and power transmission service provider said it has been checking other transmission lines and other facilities that might have been affected by the passage of Typhoon Dodong.

NGCP said that loss of power in certain areas over the weekend might have been caused by affected transmission facilities of the NGCP or by the facilities of local distribution utilities or electric cooperatives.

“Specific cities and municipalities affected by the power interruptions are determined by concerned distribution utilities, unless the outage affects the entire franchise area,” NGCP said.

The company said it had made the necessary preparations to minimize the impact of severe weather on NGCP operation and facilities.

“These include ensuring the availability of hardware materials and supplies necessary for the repair of damaged facilities, as well as
the positioning of line crews in strategic areas, to facilitate immediate restoration work,” NGCP said.

Strong wind and heavy rain poured on Cagayan over the weekend as “Dodong” hit land but the typhoon has since weakened as it speeds upwards past the mainland of Luzon, according to the weather bureau. SFM/AC