Honoring those who make a difference

TOTM-logo2To mark National Teachers Month, Inquirer in Education (IIE), in partnership with National Book Store (NBS), launches the Teacher of the Month Award Tuesday, Sept. 1.

There are so many students for whom teachers have made a difference in the classroom and beyond, who have been steered toward the right path by their teachers’ attention and advice. NBS and IIE want to honor these amazing teachers.

If you know an active classroom teacher who sets eyes aglow with their own passion for teaching, nominate him or her for the Teacher of the Month award.

The Teacher of the Month will receive a gift certificate worth P10,000 from NBS. We know teachers pay out of pocket for school supplies so this prize is intended to help with their classroom needs.

The monthly winner will also receive a certificate of recognition and will be featured in this section.

Here are the contest guidelines:

  1. Nominees must combine dedication and innovation in teaching, and must show a commitment to

inspiring students to excel.

  1. Nominees must be active K-12 classroom teachers and must have been teaching for at least two years.
  1. A teacher must be nominated by two people: (1) a current or previous student and (2) a parent, colleague, supervisor or any adult over 24 years old.
  1. Nominations must be made with a cover letter and supporting photographs, PowerPoint presentations, videos and/or any medium that will allow us to see

examples of the nominee’s dedication and effectiveness.

  1. Deadline for nominations is the 15th of the month.
  1. Mail or hand-deliver nominations to:

Teacher of the Month

c/o Learning Section

Philippine Daily Inquirer

1098 Chino Roces Ave. corner Yague and Mascardo Sts.

Makati City 1204

  1. Only nomination cover letters may be accepted by e-mail. Supporting photos, PowerPoint presentations or videos must be submitted by postal or hand delivery because of the large file size.
  1. In the cover letter, include the nominee’s name, school, grade level he/she teaches, names of nominators and relationship with the nominee (i.e., student, parent, coteacher) and a mobile or landline number to allow IIE to call and discuss the nominee with you.
  1. IIE reserves the right to withhold the award if no nominee is deserving during the month.

For more details, e-mail learning@inquirer.com.ph.