According to Section 3, Article VII of the 1987 Constitution, “there shall be a Vice President who shall have the same qualifications and term of office and be elected with and in the same manner as the President.”

The Vice President is mandated by the Constitution to assume the presidency in case of the death, disability, or resignation of the incumbent President.

The Constitution also states that “no Vice President shall serve more than two consecutive terms.”

According to the Office of the Vice President, the functions of the Vice President are classified into executive, ceremonial, advisory, constituency and administrative.

As part of the executive function, the Vice President is mandated to ensure that laws are faithfully executed.

The Vice President also performs ceremonial functions through meetings with representatives of foreign governments, by representing the Philippine government in official gatherings, and by receiving foreign dignitaries, ambassadors, foreign investors and other foreign officials.

According to the Constitution, the Vice President may take on a Cabinet post in concurrent capacity, if the President chooses. As a member of the Cabinet, the Vice President performs advisory function and participates in the formulation of policies in the implementation of government programs.

The Vice President performs constituency functions through consultations with local executives, by lending support to their programs and by extending financial assistance to them.
