Duterte to troops: Don’t get captured alive

Don’t get captured alive.

President Rodrigo Duterte gave this advice to soldiers on Tuesday as he turned over 3,000 .45 cal. M1911 pistols to the military.

“I will give you all guns with two magazines in reserve and one deployed. One of those magazines is for you. The other two are for the enemy,” Mr. Duterte said during a ceremony in Malacañang.

“Don’t surrender while still alive. If you’re cornered, all you have to do is to raise your right hand with a [dirty finger] sign and put the gun in your mouth,” he said, drawing laughter from the soldiers present.

The 3,000 pistols were acquired by the Department of Budget and Management-Procurement Service under a negotiated procurement deal with Armscor Global Defense.

Mr. Duterte pledged to provide pistols to all soldiers during his term.

“I do not mind losing the gun to the enemy, but do not give it to them alive. Give it to them when you’re already dead, especially there in Jolo and Zamboanga area,” he said.

“Do not let them cut off your head,” he added. “And your family will see that … That is a very horrifying or traumatic — that is why the third magazine … that is for you.”