Bill penalizes throwing of hard objects at vehicles

The House of Representatives has unanimously approved on third and final reading a measure penalizing the act of throwing stones and other hard objects at motor vehicles.

All 171 congressmen present during last Tuesday’s session voted in favor of House Bill No. 7163, which was principally authored by Majority Leader Rep. Rodolfo Fariñas.

The bill penalizes any person who throws stones, rocks, bricks, bottles, pieces of wood or metal, or any other hard object at vehicles, causing damage and death or bodily harm to passengers.

Previously, people who commit the act could only be charged with malicious mischief under Article 327 of the Revised Penal Code.

Under the proposed law, the offender shall be meted 25 years’ imprisonment and fined P100,000, in addition to civil liabilities, if the act results in the death of a person. If it results in injury, the offender can get five years and fined P15,000.

If the stone-throwing damages a vehicle, the offender shall also be imprisoned for one year, fined P10,000, and held liable for the cost of repairs.— JEROME ANING