Woman lives with dead boyfriend’s corpse for a month, gets arrested

dead man hid in girlfriend's house

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A woman from Michigan, United States was found to have been living with her boyfriend’s corpse for about one month, as police discovered on April 3.

Angela Shock allegedly hid the body of her 61-year-old boyfriend when the police were asked to check on him after being asked by his family. The boyfriend’s family had not seen or heard from him for several weeks, as per WDIV Click On Detroit.

When the police arrived at the residence, Shock greeted them as her boyfriend’s body was seated on a chair by the front door. The police immediately spotted the lifeless body.

According to the police, based on the condition of the home and the statements of the suspect, Shock had been hiding the body for about a month, as per report.

A few days before the police discovered the body, a neighbor had reportedly noticed a “horrible stench” coming from Shock’s apartment. The suspect said it was due to a plumbing problem.

Shock had also been using her boyfriend’s bank card after his death, as she reasoned that he was her only means of support.

Shock is currently in custody at Monroe County Sheriff’s Office and Jail. According to the report, she was charged with “concealing the death of another,” and was found to have a list of other charges, including stalking, trespassing, destruction of property and domestic violence. Casey Eridio/JB


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