Sen. Tulfo seeks stiffer penalties for drunk drivers

Sen. Raffy Tulfo has filed Senate Bill No. 2546 which seeks stricter penalties for drivers found to be drunk or high on drugs, saying that despite the passage of Republic Act No. 10586, or the Anti-Drunk and Drugged Driving Act of 2013, such cases have become more rampant.

Under RA 10586, drivers found to be under the influence of alcohol face three months in jail, a fine ranging from P20,000 to P500,000 while their licenses will also be confiscated and suspended for a year.

Under Tulfo’s proposed measure, violators shall be penalized with one-year imprisonment and a fine starting at P50,000, depending on the offense committed.

READ: Tulfo files bill seeking to impose stricter penalties for drunk drivers

If the violation resulted in homicide, they face a fine ranging from P500,000 to P1 million while their licenses will be confiscated and suspended for two years. —TINA G. SANTOS