Binay urged anew by Senate panel to attend hearing

MANILA, Philippines — The Senate blue ribbon subcommittee reiterated on Tuesday its invitation to Vice President Jejomar Binay to face its hearing next week  and shed light on the  parking  building  controversy.

In a letter dated Tuesday, October 21, 2014,  Senator Aquilino  “Koko” Pimentel III, chairman of the subcommittee, reiterated  the panel’s request  to the Vice President to  attend its hearing  at 9 a.m. on Thursday, October  30, “to inform  the  committee  about what you know regarding  matters under inquiry in view of the  testimonies  given by the  resource persons  before the  committee.”

Senator Aquilino “Koko” Pimentel III. INQUIRER FILE PHOTO

It was the second time that the subcommittee invited Binay to face its investigation into the allegedly anomalous construction of the Makati carpark building, which started when he was still the city mayor.

The panel first requested the Vice President to attend its  hearing last month  but  he did not accept the invitation.

Even  before the  second  letter was sent to him, the  Vice President has  already repeatedly  said that he would not  face  his probers,  who he said  were  using the Senate probe to stop his presidential bid in 2016.

Binay has been accused, among others, of allegedly receiving  kickbacks from  the  construction of the  building  and other projects in the city as well  as using  dummies to allegedly  hide his unexplained  wealth.


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