
Father dies, family members ill after eating mussels in Samar

A 39-year-old man died while five others fell ill after eating shellfish in the town of Tarangnan in Samar province.

Rommel Balsote died after eating mussels, according to DZIQ Radyo Inquirer鈥檚 report on Thursday. Meanwhile, his wife Elizabeth, and their four children were hospitalized.

The family members experienced stomach pains after eating the shellfish, DZIQ report added.

The Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources said that about 39 people have been hospitalized this November for eating shellfish, the report likewise noted.

Five bays in Eastern Visayas remain positive for red tide toxins, including Daram, Irong-irong Bay, Maqueda Bay, Villareal Bay and Cambatutay Bay in Western Samar, the DZIQ report said.听听听听听听 /kga